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Free White Label Hosting Reseller

White label hosting reseller is otherwise known as reseller hosting. This gives you the option to re-sell another hosting company’s bandwidth or their servers. Along with that, a free white label hosting reseller also lets you sell their hosting services as if they belong to you. If you are an entrepreneur and thinking about starting a business of your own, you can consider white label hosting.

White label hosting by nature is very versatile. Anybody and everybody can use it, and you don’t have to be tech-savvy to understand how it works and start selling the hosting services. In case you are an agency, or you are a web developer, an addition of white label hosting could be a great way to earn more. This service is also excellent for a web developer who wants a separate cPanel to host their client’s sites.

Free White Label Hosting Reseller

Here are some benefits of using white label hosting

If you are interested in a white label hosting reseller and you would like to know about its benefits, then keep reading and find out about it more below.

1. You get to expand your services

When you add hosting to the list of services you offer, you become a one-stop destination for your customers. They get whatever they under just one roof. Instead of allowing your customers to contact a third-party, you will be able to get everything done in-house, which is a win-win situation for you.

Plus, having all-inclusive services means you will be able to charge your customers more as well. Because you will be handling everything on your customer’s website, it is evident that you will quickly get to charge them higher and being a one-stop platform for your customers, no one will deny paying for the full service either.

2. Better customer retention

By being a one-stop hosting reseller, you will get to make sure that you are developing a long-term relationship with each of your customers. Rather than concentrating on just one single service and get away with the rest of the profit, what you can do is allow them to have continuous web-related support whenever they want. This way, you will always get to have your customers with you, and they will never go to any other service provider.

Plus, many customers leave a hosting provider because of an unpleasant experience. But, when you offer them everything in one place, you also take the responsibility to provide the best service and ensure they are free from all kinds of hosting issues. This way, your customers get to use web hosting services without worrying about anything. The result will be more and more conversion and better retention.

3. Grow your business

The ultimate agenda of starting a reseller web hosting business is to make sure that you are able to grow your business. It is always better to look out for ways through which you will get to increase your monthly revenue, and reseller web hosting is the best way to grow your business and earn more profit.

When you get to convert hosting customers and sell your package for a profitable price, you also get to cover the cost for your white label hosting. When you avail of white label hosting, you don’t need to worry anything about hosting anymore. Plus, white label hosting is affordable as well.

What are the things included in while label hosting?

It depends on the kind of white label hosting company you are getting associated with. They will have their own individual packages; however, here are some that you can expect to avail:

1. Billing integration

Many reliable white label hosting companies offer WHM billing software. This software enables you to charge your customers automatically, and you get to manage your payment bills smoothly too. This way, you will never have to worry about the on-time payment from your customers.

2. Private name servers

Private name servers are recommended. This will make sure that your brand gets to be separated from the hosting company whose servers you are currently using.

3. Scalable

The white label hosting company that you will choose should provide you with server resources that will allow you to scale up effectively. If you think that your clients are increasing, or any of your clients need more server resources, your hosting company should be able to provide you with that.

4. User-friendly control panel

Another essential aspect to look for is a user-friendly control panel. You need to make sure that you are able to access the control panel easily so that if there are any backend changes required, you are able to change that quickly.


Before choosing any paid or a free white label hosting reseller, you should always do your background research. Look out for a quality host provider and clear all your doubts, if you have any.